Everyone has rights with regard to the way in which their personal data in handled. During the course of our activities we will collect, store and process personal data about our clients, suppliers and other third parties, and we recognise that the correct and lawful treatment of this data will maintain confidence in the firm and will provide for successful operation. Data Users are obliged to comply with our Data Protection Policy when processing personal data on our behalf. 

1. Greytouch Accounting ltd (A Firm) is the data controller and processor of personal information that is held for the purposes of the general data protection regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act. 

2. We collect, use and share data for the purposes of conducting our business and as set out in this policy. 

3. According to the GDPR Personal data is any information that relates to an individual person which includes your name, and information relating to your physical, educational, cultural, or social background. 

4. As set out in the GDPR there is also special category data that relates to racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs and biometric data that concerns health or a person’s sexual orientation. 

5. At Greytouch Accounting, we collect information about visitors to our website including those seeking Accounting, Financing, Taxation and ancillary advice and representation. 

6. The reason why we at Greytouch Accounting ltd, collect your personal information and personal data that we process is so that we are able to carry out our business to provide Accounting, Taxation and ancillary advice and representation and for our professional duties. 

7. The reason why we process data is because it is necessary for the performance of our work that is carried out in accordance with our contractual duties to our clients and our professional duties. In circumstances where we process special category data this is to ensure that we comply with our equality duties. 

8. We also process data for the purposes of compliance with our legal obligations or where a request has been made by law enforcement authorities, courts or regulatory bodies. 

9. Those individuals whom we advise and represent provide their written consent in respect of us processing personal data and dealing with data as set out in this policy. 

10. Greytouch Accounting also uses data for the purposes of monitoring and improving levels of service and this is to the benefit and in the interests of those individuals and companies whom we represent. 

11. Instructions: where Greytouch Accounting receives instructions that include personal information this data is created and updated in respect of the information we hold about that individual on our paper document systems and computer files and electronic devices including business mobile phones and computer tablets. 

12. As required we may use external companies in accordance with our terms of instructions and we may also use external assessors to perform identity checks.


13. To monitor our standards and improve our service we also collect data for this purpose and this is to benefit our work for clients. 

14. Where individuals or businesses contact us to engage our services we collect the information provided which we use to conduct our business to provide Accounting, Taxation and ancillary services and representation and to monitor and ensure high levels of service. 

15. We use telephone numbers and email addresses of individuals who are our clients for the purposes of: conducting our business and to provide updates about our business and the services we provide, and to send communications in respect of the conduct of our work. 

16. In certain circumstances where complaints are made to or about Greytouch Accounting, we create a file for this purpose that includes information about the complaint and those involved. Where so required the details of the complainant are disclosed to appropriate third parties in order to properly deal with the complaint or in order to notify regulatory authorities or to protect the public. The information is only disclosed on the basis that the third parties have in place appropriate privacy and data protection policies. 

17. Where an individual instructs Greytouch Accounting a file is created in respect of that individual and their details which is kept for the purposes of the provision of services provided by Greytouch Accounting ltd to that individual client. 

18. Following completion and conclusion of work carried out on behalf of our clients, files are securely destroyed in accordance with the terms of instructions. 

19. Otherwise personal information is retained by Greytouch Accounting ltd for the purposes of conduct of its business. This information is treated confidentially and where it is shared all reasonable steps are taken to ensure that it is kept secure. 

20. In terms of the information that we hold about individual clients you have rights in this regard that include: 

a. The right to rectification and amendment of any personal data that we hold about you that is inaccurate or incomplete. 

b. The right to deletion of your data where it is no longer required. Please note that this right is subject to any proposed or actual litigation and is also subject to our duties to comply with any lawful request of law enforcement agencies or any regulatory body. 

c. The right to object to the processing of information. Please note that this right is subject to any proposed or actual litigation and is also subject to compliance with our duties to law enforcement agencies or any regulatory body. 

d. The right of access which allows you to obtain the personal information and data that we hold about you, including information about the reasons for which the data is held, with whom it will be shared with and the time period for which the data will be held. This request may be made in writing by email or letter or by completing a subject access request. For this request it is necessary for you to provide a postal or email address to which we can send information and data. Please note that requests for information that are unreasonable, excessive or without reason or that are unfounded shall not be accepted. Please note that the information shall usually be sent by special delivery post or as requested. Please note that in certain circumstances we may not disclose all of the information held about you in particular where it includes information about another person, it includes information that may prejudice the conduct of our business or where that information is subject to privilege. 

e. Greytouch Accounting ltd keeps personal data and information confidential and where it is shared all steps are taken to ensure it is kept secure, that safeguards are in place and the information is used for legitimate and reasonable purposes for the conduct of its business. 

f. Greytouch Accounting ltd may use encrypted emails when necessary to ensure that the transfer of data and information is protected.

g. If you have any concerns about how your data and information is processed then please contact Greytouch Accounting ltd. You may also lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office. 

h. Greytouch Accounting ltd also collect information from third parties for the purposes of the exercise of its business.


  1. In terms of visitors to our website Greytouch Accounting ltd uses cookies which are files stored on your computer when visiting the website. The information provided by cookies is collected for the purposes of monitoring quality of service. Cookies can be disabled simply by changing the settings on your computer and disabling the function on the website of the internet search provider being used, for example, Google, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, etc. 

j. Greytouch Accounting ltd also shares information and data on social media websites including LinkedIn. This information and data is for the purposes of the conduct of our business. No personal details or information are transmitted using these mediums unless in the course of conduct of the business in providing advice and representation. 

21. The information in this privacy notice shall be reviewed and updated where so required